Here you can watch the recorded live streams of our events presenting and discussing our key projects of the Maunula Commons theme - with time-coded links to programme sections!
Gathering for Rehearsing Hospitalities
Central Park Archives: Access, commons and networks of care
Live stream from Maunula House, 27 May 2021
Frame Contemporary Art Finland's channel
08:45 Welcome and introduction, Minna Tarkka and Iida Nissinen
12:36 A tour of the first collections of Central Park Archives, Minna Tarkka and Iida Nissinen
42:36 A Dialogue on the commons, archives and cartography, Ali Akbar Mehta and Susanna Ånäs
1:20:27 Networks of Care, Annet Dekker
1:42:29 Conversation, moderated by Annet Dekker
Keskuspuistoarkistot ja Hoivan instituutti (in Finnish/partly interpreted from English)
Maunula-talo 27.5.2021
Maunula Channel
01:44 Tervetuloa ja Hoivan instituutti - haastattelussa taiteilija Vienne Chan
30:25 Keskuspuistoarkistot - katsaus ensimmäisiin kokoelmiin