I'm Talking to You

Elena Mazzi’s residency project I’m Talking to You is looking at reflections and reactions of global crises in the local daily life of a Northern Helsinki neighbourhood, Maunula. The focus is on the media contents and devices which connect locals to the global communication spheres, and which they also use to envision their feelings about the world.

During her residency, Elena Mazzi first got to know the people of the Maunula neighbourhood by frequent visits to the Saunabaari community centre and various local meetings and events. In these meetings, the artist initiated a dialogue about how the participants feel about the media and their possibility to affect the world. Seven of her new friends invited Elena to their homes with a videographer, who recorded them watching a newsreel compiled by the artist. The participants were encouraged to talk back to the media, and their voiced reactions to the news will be amplified on the soundtrack.

The final piece, a multi-channel installation, premiered in Helsinki in 2017 and a single-channel version premiered at Artist's Film International in 2018. 

Elena Mazzi’s residency was realised in cooperation with Helsinki Artist-in-Residence Programme HIAP. Special thanks to Kalle Kuisma (videography).

Marja Anttila
Eila Hämäläinen
Heli Mattila
Ahmed Othman
Mikko Rintanen
Liisa Räisänen
Edi Sidibeh

Thanks to
nctm e l’arte: artist-in-residence, VII edition
Saunabaari Community Centre
Kale Kaivola

The residency with Elena Mazzi was produced by m-cult in August-September 2016, in context of the Collaborative Arts Partnership Programme, supported by the Creative Europe programme.