

Ideal Behaviour project photo

Ideal Behaviour - EMAP residence 2024

An ‘IKEA-hack’ to trick AI recruiting –media art problematizes automated hiring processes.

systems opening 2

SYSTEMS Exhibition

Rethinking systems and art.

Care as social investment, black text on background of lime green and beige

Institute of Care

Collaborative project to map out futures of care.

Central Park map

Central Park Archives

Co-archiving an urban forest.

MoneyLab 9 visual

Money Lab Helsinki

Laboratory of digital economy and organisation.

Network effects visual

Network Effects

Confonting the material, mental and political effects of today's online world.

The Hidden Life of an Amazon User

The Hidden Life of an Amazon User

Joana Moll makes visible the energy costs of an online purchase.

Smiley with tears on broken smart phone screen

The Web Politics Trilogy

Online activism project by artist collective Disnovation.org.

WWW 30 vj set 2 twitter icon with war scene

WWW 30 club

An evening to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the World Wide Web.

A comic about mummy being lonely and sad, then finding the Saunabaari singing group and joining.

Partizaning Maunula

Local interventions in collaboration with the Partizaning collective.

MFF15 poster detail with protesters on street

Media Facades Festival Helsinki 2015

Media art festival highlighting visibility and invisibility in urban spaces.

Spectre of People virtual demonstration

The Spectre of People

Virtual protest against austerity politics.

Interrupting the Everyday Time bank campaign

Interrupting the Everyday

Information activism project with Tactical Tech.

Robin Hood monster made of big banks

Robin Hood

Public intervention by Robin Hood cooperative, investment bank for the precariat.

NTA punch lines - boxers

News Transformation Agency

YKON transforms news to script different futures.

Artvertiser Helsinki - "Your art here" on the Bio Rex facade

Artvertiser Helsinki

Julian Oliver and Damian Stewart imagine a near future where advertising is replaced by art.

Open source world map

Open Code

Tabloid newspaper advocating FLOSS and open source culture.


Smiley with tears on broken smart phone screen

Online Imaginaries

Artists at work for a new political imagination of the internet.


Online culture wars detail of map with memes

Disinformation Camp

Workshop on computational propaganda and the influence of public opinion online.

Open source world map

Open Code

Tabloid newspaper advocating FLOSS and open source culture.